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Just a guy who's on a journey to rediscover himself. He's also caught the running bug bad. To add salt to injury, he's now addicted to shopping for running shoes......

Monday, 6 May 2013

It's been a year

It's been a year. A year where my old life had ended and I was forced into the position I'm in now.

It's been a year. A year of solitude, grief and sorrow. A year of anger, frustration and pain.

It's been a year. A  year of loneliness, picking up the pieces, and starting over again.

It's been a year. A year where promises made had been broken, life made had been broken, and a journey began, ended.

It's been a year. A year since you told me you want out. You want your old life back. You don't want anything to do with me anymore.

It's been a year. A year of suffering internally while making sure other family members and friends do not get the backlash of your decision.

It's been a year. A year full of internal tears and scream. A year full of anger at myself and self-loathing. A year full of questioning oneself and insecurities.

It's been a year. A year of empty smiles and laughter. A year of assuring everyone everything is fine when nothing is. A year of daily struggle to live a meaningful life.1

It's been a year.

I praise the Lord for being with me throughout this year. Constantly reassuring me that I AM loved by sending the right people along when I'm at my loneliest and lowest. Constantly giving me the strength to go on.

I praise the Lord for guiding me throughout this year. Without his guidance, directly and indirectly, I would have been a lost sheep.

I thank the Lord for watching over me throughout this year. He hath provided for my all. When all things fail, when no one seems to care or help. He is always there for me.

I thank the Lord for sending me his angels throughout this year. I've met old and new friends throughout the year who have selflessly given of their time and care to me. You have touched my life and fanned new hope in my heart by the simple act of being there and being a friend.

I thank the Lord for this year of learning. I have been a firm believer that things happen for a reason. I do not know the whole reason for what had happened, but throughout this year, I've grown to be more matured, more independent, more reliant on other's compassion, but most importantly, more reliant on God Almighty.

As this year pass on. There are still new challenges ahead for me to overcome. I pray that the Lord will continue to watch over me and guide me for the days to come.


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