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Just a guy who's on a journey to rediscover himself. He's also caught the running bug bad. To add salt to injury, he's now addicted to shopping for running shoes......

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Running Dos and Don'ts in Malaysia

You know what? Every time we go to a race, we are always faced with the same inevitable problems of runners doing whatever they want. I don't know whether this is due to ignorance, lack of information, lack of education or lack of the grey matter, but I hope this post can help to address this issue. I plan to append to this post and compile some sort of a booklet that hopefully I can pass on to organizers to print out to pass to runners. Who knows, maybe I can get DBKL to print out some simple guideline in the park as well.

Running Etiquette:

1. Do run a maximum of 2 abreast. Share the running path with other runners. They're not made exclusively just for you.

2. If  you are running with others, please remember that you are only as fast as your slowest running partner.

3. In most park you will notice that runners tend to go in 1 direction. There are however times where people may run in the opposite direction. If that's the case, just do the logical thing and keep to the left just like how you would drive. I'm not too sure whether left-hand drive country will keep to the right or not. This will be interesting to find out, especially for runners traveling to other countries.

4. If you run on the road, do run AGAINST the flow of traffic. It is safer as you will be able to see cars approaching you and take evasive measures in case the driver is not paying attention to his/her driving. If in doubt of whether the driver sees you, always assume that he/she didn't.

5. Don't run or walk in the middle of the track. Keep to the left to facilitate overtaking runners.

6. At the same time, runners overtaking should alert walkers or slower runners that they're being passed. Don't assume they are aware of their surrounding. A simple "Coming through", "Excuse Me", or "On you right" is good enough.

7. Acknowledge other runners as well as drivers who take extra care to ensure your safety. It's always nice to be acknowledged, especially drivers. We don't just want to promote the sport of running, but also to promote running in a positive manner.

Racing Etiquette:

1. Do line up appropriately. If you plan to walk/run or go slow, line up further back in the start corral. This help to control traffic on the route and there's less jostling about for everyone. Just because you line up further in front does not mean that you will finish the race faster. It is fine to ask fellow participants their targeted finishing time to know if you're in the right spot.

2. Ever get pissed off with snobbish runners shouting at you to "Keep left"? Well guess what, that runner is trying to help you by teaching you that the right etiquette for going slow is to keep left. Just like driving, don't hog the fast lane if you're one of the below:
a. Slow runner.
b. Walker.
c. Couple/Dating on the run.
d. Cam-whoring or SelCa-ing
e. High on something.

3. Don't ever, ever pull an abrupt stop during a race. You run the risk of causing an accident to runners behind you. If you need to stop, move left and check to make sure you're out of the traffic flow before stopping. This include stopping all of a sudden to tie your shoe lace in the middle of the route. Please, please, please move to the left and out of traffic flow or refer to online resources on How to tie your shoe lace correctly.

4. Don't cut in front of runners all of a sudden. Same issue will result as above. If you need to pass or cut across, do indicate and check for other runners behind you. If someone is wearing earphone in front of you, and they are blocking, gently touch their elbow or shoulder to alert them of  your presence as you pass them.

5. Please please please, don't hog the water station. I've never ever used the Water Station in any of the run I've participated. You know why? Coz I got traumatized during my first race. It's like a herd of parched Wildebeest stampeding to a watering hole.

Luckily there's no crocodile for us runners.

Do try to go in slow, take the cup and continue moving along instead of stopping to take a drink. If you DO need to stop to take a drink, move further up and out of the traffic flow so as not to cause a congestion. Or do like me, BYOW (Bring Your Own Water). You won't be caught in situation where you need water and there's none.

6. Do throw your cups into the designated bin or mash it up and carry it along with you. Some people say that it's OK to throw the cups on the road as long as it's close to the volunteer station. I don't see why we can't carry/pocket something that doesn't weight much back to the finish line or till we find a rubbish bin to dispose of instead of endangering the lives of the volunteer who has to clean up after you.

7. Watch where you throw your waste. We're not Michael Jordan and even then, there's such a thing called Interception. Smacking a fellow runner in the face with your waste is bad form.

8. If you need to perform the Snot Rocket/Farmer's Blow, do make sure there's no one behind you. It would help if you could move aside and ensure that no one is in the "shotgun" zone when you perform this task.

9. Do not blast your earphone until you can't hear what's going on. We all love music, but you ARE in a race and safety of other runners as well as yourself IS paramount. If you want to listen to music, do keep one earbud off so you can hear runners and marshals calling out warnings as well as any approaching vehicles.

10. Listen to Traffic Controller's instruction. When asked to give way for cars, stop and let the cars through. We don't own the road, we share them, so respect other road user's right as well.

11. Always thank the volunteers. Without them, the race may not happen. Even if you're running the race of your life, or you're all spent and out of breathe, a simple nod, thumbs up, or gesture will go a long way to make the volunteer's day.

12. We rarely see supporters here in Malaysia, but I make it a point to say "Thank You" to any supporter is see. These people come out to cheer you on in their own time with their own expenses. The least they deserve is a Thank you from you.

13. Do continue moving after you've crossed the Finish line. There are other runners coming through. As always, get out of the traffic flow before slowing.

14. Don't cut course or run out of course. You're only cheating yourself.


  1. All good points but sad to say, a lot of runners doesn't seem to care about race ettiquette. :(

    1. Yeah. I dunno whether it's due to ignorance or they just don't care. In any case, I'm giving them the benefit of doubt and will continue to act in the right way. I'll also forward this list to race organizers. So far, MWM has agreed to publish it for their, albeit with their own wordings. :)
